Explore the internet faster than ever with a new lightweight web browser for Android. It's designed to be super fast and easy to use with a simple and clean user interface.
Web Explorer contains only the most essential features including tab views so you can browse multiple websites at once and convenient access to your favorite bookmarked webpages and incognito mode for safe and private browsing sessions.
Everything is accessible through the clear and helpful navigation button interface which hides away so you can surf the internet in full screen. All functions are just one tap away with the easiest UI on any browser.
Compatible with all Android phones and languages and runs best in 3G, 4G and WiFi networks! No bloat or unnecessary features means Web Explorer is a light and minimal app capable of running fast and smooth on almost any phone.
Web Explorer仅包含最基本的功能,包括选项卡视图,因此您可以一次浏览多个网站,并可以方便地访问您喜欢的带有书签的网页和隐身模式,以进行安全和私人的浏览会话。
与所有Android手机和语言兼容,并在3G,4G和WiFi网络中运行效果最佳!没有膨胀或不必要的功能,这意味着Web Explorer是一款轻巧而最小的应用程序,能够在几乎所有手机上快速流畅地运行。